Saturday, March 22, 2008

Touge night

me and my friends decided to watch a movie named shutter. It was a scary movie but i didn't really get scared. After the movie, all of us decided to head up for touge. Alan's car met with a few problems during halfway touge.His spark plug cable came out. Thanks to chirstofer, aln's car problem was solved instantly. Thanks Andrew and christopher for helping us. When we reached the top of the hill, amazingly there was quite a crowd. we started camwhoring till 3 which we decided to call it a day.When we reach caltex, an accident had happen between a kancil n a accord. The kancil was smashed while accord suffer minor injuries.

Alan's car being fix by chris

Random pics

At the hilltop

Wayne trying to be poser

Gordon and kean tatt

Alan's gf

Dennis the menace


Daniel and alan

Last but not least, me !

Now you see me,

now you dont

The accident


ScAvEnGeR said...

You stopped by to see and take pics of the accident?

I really kesian the Accord la... Haiz... So nice and new...

patrickgun said...

yea..kesian the kancil got la.....the driver have to be taken out n sent to the hospital.The accord driver, nothing happen to him

ScAvEnGeR said...

I dunno but the accident kinda looks like the Kancil was trying to outrun the red light.