Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kraftgrafik x +Wondermilk



Kraftgrafik and +Wondermilk presents Neue Format Design Martno set design ‘genre’, no ‘localized’ themes, not a flea market, not a junkyard sale, not another exhibition, but a Designer’s Sunday – blurring the lines and throwing out the stereotypes of belonging to a certain ‘design field'. A designer mart with cute cute cuppacakes!

I manage to visit this place where they sell cupcakes, i manage to get myself 1 too ! Sorie bout pics cuz i didn't took much pics, just a few.


Chloe~ said...

you know, I love cupcakes. where did you buy it????? - -

patrickgun said...

at KL, im not sure of the shop. but there's the website for more info !