Saturday, May 24, 2008

Visit to cameron touge!

Andrew called me to ask if I was interested to join him to visit his silver banana. I agreed and me make our way to Ipoh. Raj also joined in the fun. 3 of us drove to ipoh with my satria. The journey was fun with chit chatting among us. As soon we arrived in ipoh, TK took us for lunch. The duck noodle was superb.

Entertainment system in my car.

We meet up with a few friend that was from KL. After our lunch, we decided to hit up to touge. At the afternoon, the weather was nice, till suddenly rain poured out on us. So we decided to take a slow drive down and watch Tk do best, drifting ! We stop beside a nice place to take pictures also

We went back to visit andrew's car and till the night comes, Boy came and met us with his pristine eg. We headed up to touge again. It was fun 'trying' to chase boy, I end up oversteering and i got lost. I got a crappy HID in my car which can't beam far enough. I gotta say, Boy is Fast ! After touge, we decided to head home and andrew has to stay at ipoh to monitor his silver banana which is still in the hospital.

Morning touge which ended up in drifting touge.

1 comment:

ScAvEnGeR said...

Banyak siok la... Ipoh trip was great..

I finally got my car done by 5+p.m. on Saturday and drove home trouble free :)

Thanks for coming along and ferrying me.